How Your Local Property Solicitor Can Keep Your Move Moving
Everyone has the right to advice and assistance from a solicitor either in person or over the phone, unless certain limited exceptions apply.
Any advice and assistance provided whilst you are at the Police Station is provided free regardless of the allegation or your personal circumstances.
Holdens can provide advice 24/7, 365 days per year. We have a team of solicitors also serving on Police Station duty schemes in South Cumbria and North Lancashire.
Most cases start at the Police Station and what happens there can often have a huge impact on what happens later if your case goes to court.
It is important to ask for a solicitor as soon as you are either detained at a Police Station or asked to attend for a voluntary appointment. Such circumstances often lead to an interview on tape or under caution - these interviews are evidence which can be used against you.
Holdens crime team have a wealth of experience in ensuring the police follow the correct procedures and that the client is protected through this process.
ASK FOR HOLDENS and we will provide your confidential and expert advice whilst representing your interests during your time at the Station and remember - the service is FREE!