How Your Local Property Solicitor Can Keep Your Move Moving
For those unmarried couples who choose to live together it is vital to understand that the legal remedies available are very different to those available to a married couple. There is no such thing as 'Common Law Husband or Wife'.
Upon separation where only one party owns the house, it can be difficult to establish whether the other party has any financial interest. However, at Holdens we can advise on the chances of success of claiming a financial interest in the family home despite the fact that the property is owned in the other party's sole name.
It is therefore prudent for cohabitants to consider and agree how any assets should be divided, in the event of a separation, before you actually begin to live together. A Cohabitation Agreement can be prepared to reflect how you as a couple wish your assets to be divided in the event of future separation.
As well as advising as to claims upon property, Holdens Conveyancing Department can also help you to change the ownership of a property so that it is owned jointly either on an equal basis or on the basis that one party owns a greater share than the other.
Holdens aim to offer comprehensive and value for money service which is also tailored to what you can afford. Please see our Comprehensive Cost Guide for details.
We provide expert Cohabitation advice in Lancaster and Kendal. For legal advice about cohabitation agreements call our Family Solicitors at Holdens on 01524 32484 or contact us online.