How Your Local Property Solicitor Can Keep Your Move Moving
When couples divorce it is inevitable that there will be financial assets from the marriage that will need to be divided in some way. These can include the home, savings, pensions and also family businesses. Whatever the asset Holdens team of expert Family Solicitors have the expertise to advise you and get the best result for you.
At Holdens we have specialists that deal with issues which may arise as a result of a divorce:
We can handle every aspect of Law that you may require and you can instruct one law firm to deal with your entire divorce case and any associated issues.
Holdens aim to offer a comprehensive and value for money service which is also tailored to what you can afford. Please see our Comprehensive Cost Guide for details. You may also be entitled to Legal Aid.
We provide expert Financial advice in Lancaster and Kendal. For legal advice about dividing financial assets due to divorce call our Family Solicitors at Holdens on 01524 32484 or contact us online.